четверг, 31 мая 2012 г.

Some Experts Link Economic Downturn To Increase In Abortions, Vasectomies

Some women's health experts say the recent economic downturn has become a factor in couples' family planning decisions, including decisions about abortion and vasectomy procedures, Reuters reports. Although it is too soon for data to show that the number of abortions has increased since the economic downturn, experts say anecdotal evidence suggests that the economy is affecting the number of abortions. The abortion rate in 2005 -- the latest year data are available -- fell to the lowest point since 1974, according to the Guttmacher Institute. However, Vicki Saporta, president of the National Abortion Federation, which operates a hotline for women seeking information on abortion, said there has been an influx in the number of calls, particularly from women who report losing their jobs or facing eviction. Saporta said, "As more and more women and families are struggling due to the crisis, it's affecting more than just low-income families," noting that more moderate-income families are seeking information and "facing the same types of problems" that the group typically sees among lower-income women.

Meanwhile, some abortion assistance groups report that they are facing funding shortfalls just as they are experiencing more requests for aid, Reuters reports. The New York Abortion Access Fund increased abortion-related funding by 60% compared with last year, and the number of women receiving assistance has more than doubled. The economic downturn also is affecting men's decisions to undergo vasectomies, according to Lawrence Ross, former president of the American Urological Association. Ross said he and his colleagues have seen about a 50% increase in the number of vasectomies performed in the past four to six months, which he attributed in part to the economy. "Many of them are afraid they are going to lose their jobs and their health insurance," which "push[es] them over the edge to get it done more quickly," Ross said (Kebede, Reuters, 4/22).

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